Blind Assassin
The Blind Assassin
by Margaret Atwood
4 1/2 of 5 stars
I've been meaning to read some Margaret Atwood for quite some time, so when I saw this book on Time's top 100 books of all time list, I thought I'd pick it up. Overall, I was quite impressed. The book is somewhat of a mystery, where facts are dosed out to you bit by bit. The story begins with Iris, the main character, whose sister has recently committed suicide (or has she?) by driving off a bridge. Later we find out that her sister, Laura, had a posthumous book published, The Blind Assassin. From that point, Atwood switches between Iris's story, and the novel, The Blind Assassin. Also mixed in are newspaper articles to help you piece things together.
This book wasn't a page turner, but the writing was stellar and the concept unique. Quite an effort from Atwood, and it showed. Great book.
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