A Wolverine is Eating My Leg
A Wolverine is Eating My Leg
by Tim Cahill
3 of 5 stars
This collection of Cahill’s essays and articles, written (I’m guessing) between about 1975 and the late 80’s, was my first exposure to this writer, except for a couple of articles I’ve read in National Geographic and Outside magazines. The development of Cahill’s style over the years is evident and interesting to watch happen. The articles run the gamut from hanging out with Dian Fossey’s mountain gorillas on a volcano in Africa, to hunting Sasquatch in Oregon, to extreme skiing with Bozeman locals and legends at Bridger Bowl. As with most collections, I loved some articles, some were OK, and some I just didn’t care about. Although I found some glee in the extreme skiing article (it’s fun reading a book about routes you’ve snowboarded and people you know), I most enjoyed the article about Cahill’s infiltration of the Susan and Tony Alamo cult in California during the spiritual revival of the mid-70’s. My recommendation: Take this book with you on the airplane.
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